STEP Benelux Agreements on the Inheritance


I did speak at the STEP – Advising Families Across Generations Benelux conference in Amsterdam on the 'command and control' featured testamentary practice as the emergence of a future Will contest and the alternatives of the 'trust and inspire' featured pre-mortem and post-mortem contractual inheritance practice. What helped in the delivery of the speech was the fabrication of AI prompted illustrations to highlight the various contextual frameworks of these distinct practices. The picture of a 'Will Contest in the making' versus 'Balancing Interests with all family members present' did extremely well.

The contents of my speech were based on the comparative research I performed for a publication on Agreements on the Inheritance (Erfovereenkomsten) in relation to the pre-mortem probate in the US, the jurisdiction with perhaps the most litigious atittude towards inheritances.